Leaks of hydraulic oil are one of the most common releases of oil that occur due to our work. Although these releases tend to be low volume, they are still significant in that the released oil typically impacts soil which then requires containment and disposal. Continue reading
Category Archives: Shared Learning
Glass Handling
Handling groundwater containers and Draeger tubes along with handling other glassware are routine tasks that are completed frequently if not daily throughout Stratus. Continue reading
Heat Stress Reminder – The Heat is Back
As we are finally coming out of a cold winter in many areas and I was thinking about some of the risks that we will start to encounter again as the weather warms up. Continue reading
Why We Wear Fall Protection In Elevated Baskets (Shared Learning)
Are you safe from a fall while in an elevated basket? Continue reading
I Fell Off the Roof Today
Please watch the linked video below. It is related to fall protection and has a great message from the guy who protected himself and is first hand reinforcement of the message that you have heard of “Why is safety so important at Stratus”. Continue reading
Working Over Plastic
How many jobs have you done where you needed to spread plastic on the ground to work, and needed to walk on that plastic? Continue reading
Near Miss – Drums and Altitude Changes
Have you ever considered what happens to a sealed drum when you change altitude during transport? Continue reading
Counterfeit Fire Extinguisher ALERT
Please read the attached USCG announcement regarding counterfeit fire extinguishers and inspect all fire extinguishers for the described characteristics. Continue reading
Energy Drinks – Hydration Helpers or Energy Eliminators?
Energy drinks are more popular than ever, but what are the risks associated with consuming these beverages? Continue reading
Site Security – Equipment Theft
On March 15, 2012, several technicians were onsite performing work related to an SVE test on the west side of a retail station building and an unknown person entered a fenced storage area from the south and attempted to take a bag of safety gear that had been stored inside the storage area. Continue reading