Effective January 1, 2013, the UN/NA number in the basic description for a DOT hazardous material must precede the shipping name. An example is provided below:
NA2212, Asbestos, 9, PG III
This requirement is specified in 49 CFR 172.202(b).
In addition, the placement of the RQ designation is specified in
49 CFR 172.203( c )(2). This section indicates that the RQ must be entered on the shipping paper either before or after the basic description, e.g.:
RQ, NA2212, Asbestos, 9, PG III
NA2212, Asbestos, 9, PG III, RQ
Please note that there are a number of other DOT requirements for shipping papers, which are found in 49 CFR §172, Subpart C.
If you have any questions regarding the change, please contact Dan Dowdy.