Stratus will be conducting our regular monthly safety meeting and training refresher, Friday March 29th at 10:00 am (via WebEx).If you would like to be invited, please contact Dan Dowdy (805-340-3162, for a digital invitation.
The following are the tentative monthly safety meeting dates and topics for the remainder of 2013. These dates are subject to change as circumstances dictate, however, we will try to maintain these dates so that there is plenty of time for you to arrange to attend. The dates are:
- Friday, March 29 – HASP, Daily Toolbox/Site Visitors, Job Zone Control (Hands on exercise in the field)
- Friday, April 26 – Electrical Safety, Energy Isolation
- Friday, May 31 – Heat Stress, PPE
- Friday, June 28 – Working at Heights, Hot Work
- Friday, July 26 – Lifting, Overhead Utilities
- Friday, August 30 – Stop Work Authority, Work Risk Assessment/TSEA
- Friday, September 27 – Management of Change, SIMOPS
- Friday, October 25 – Control of Work, Standard Operating Procedures
- Friday, November 29 – Emergency Response, Reporting and Investigation/Medical Case Management, Fire Extinguisher/Fire Safety
- Friday, December 27 – BP Intregity Management, Heavy Equipment (Awareness and Recognition)
All meetings are scheduled for the same time 10:00am until 12:00 pm unless otherwise noted. If for some reason a date is changed, I will make every effort to give as much advance notice as possible.
Thank you, and stay safe out there.