Form Gaps

Have you ever been filling out field work form (i.e. a Daily Toolbox record or a permit for work) and skipped a section of the form?  If so, please read on.  In essence, our forms have been structured to include items that are driven by some type of requirement including client requirements, OSHA guidelines, or Stratus drivers (i.e. insurance).  Skipping or not fully completing forms means we are setting up a non-compliance for the company or for our client requirements, jeopardizing the long-term relationship with these third party stakeholders.  As all know, we have attempted to minimize the added effort of forms, and most are in place to assist in keeping you, the worker, safe and able to go home every night.  Ask yourself “why is this here” for items on a form, and you should be able to determine the reason.  If not, contact Dan or Jenn and we can explain why that item is on a form.  The other advantage, we have documentation of our safety efforts and to demonstrate, if we are asked, that we are using our safety program fully.

When filling out forms, think about what the form is asking for, make sure it is implemented and make sure to fill in every question, checkbox, etc. with the pertinent information.  If the item does not apply, make sure to state that somehow and don’t simply leave a blank.  More to follow in our upcoming monthly meeting and refresher training.

Thanks folks, and remember, it’s not just for Stratus, it’s for you.


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